[ANDROID] FBReader Premium v3.7.6 .apk - MULTI ITA
![[ANDROID] FBReader Premium v3.7.6 .apk - MULTI ITA](https://i.imgur.com/PqlEpxy.png)
* Google/Yandex Translate integration
* Built-in support for PDF and comic book formats
* Thumbnail library view
Main ebook formats: ePub (including main features of ePub3), PDF, Kindle azw3 (mobipocket), fb2(.zip).
Other supported formats: comic books (CBZ/CBR), RTF, doc (MS Word), html, plain text.
To assist reading in a foreign language, use FBReader's dictionary integration to look up words or phrases. You can choose from a wide selection of external dictionaries.
In FBReader Premium, you can translate sentences without leaving the application, using the integrated Google or Yandex translator.
FBReader supports synchronisation of your library and/or reading positions with the FBReader book network, a Google Drive™ based cloud service. Synchronisation is disabled by default; to enable and configure it, use the preferences dialogue.
FBReader is fast and highly customisable - it can use external TrueType/OpenType fonts and custom backgrounds, the screen brightness can be adjusted while reading (slide finger up/down along the left screen edge), and different day/night colour schemes can be selected.
20 set 2024
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È necessario Android
5.0 e versioni successive
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Stai per prelevare [ANDROID] FBReader Premium v3.7.6 .apk - MULTI ITA
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